Only Captain Kirk Knows How I Feel

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Short Cure for Momentary Boredom

Hello, minions! How are you today? Good, I hope. Unless you're one of the many, many people that have pissed me off lately, then I hope you have intestinal worms or something.

I just wanted to make a very short post today, on a couple of amusing things I've seen in the past couple of days. To begin with, have you ever watched Dirty Jobs? It's a great show on the Discovery Channel. The host goes around to different places and does dirty jobs, like collecting road kill, or helping a scientist determine what snakes are eating by making them throw up, or working at a pig farm. There have been many episodes revolving around farm animals, and these usually involve inseminating the animals. That poor man has inseminated (which also sometimes involves collecting the sperm, which, as you can imagine, is rather interesting) cows, horses, and turkeys, on episodes that I have watched. Last night was the turkey insemination. That was fun. The girl turkeys kept pooping on him.

Also yesterday, when I was driving to work, I saw a car pulled onto the shoulder, with its front left tire missing. There was a sort of burning smell in the air. A little ways on, there was a tire, rolling down the freeway at 65 miles an hour. Apparently, the tire fell off while the person was driving and, according to one of the laws of thermodynamics (I would look up which one, but I really don't care all that much) it kept rolling, because an object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force. Well, the outside force was the guard rail. The tire rolled across all four lanes of the freeway (and remember, there was other traffic on the road, which had to slow and swerve to avoid the rolling tire), bumped into the guard rail, kept rolling back across the freeway to bump into the other guard rail, and finally stopping, spinning like a dropped coin, to lay on the shoulder until the poor schmuck in the tire-less car came to get it. Sucks to be him!

I also wanted to point out a new feature of this wonderful blog. If you look all the way down at the bottom of the page, you will notice that I finally figured out how to install a hit counter! (I figured out to have my husband do it for me! Yay me!) So you have to open this page lots of times, so that my hit counter will show that lots and lots of people are reading my blog and my (already huge) ego can grow even more. Thanks!

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