Only Captain Kirk Knows How I Feel

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Quickie

Hello, my minions. This is just a quick note, because I wanted to tell you about something interesting I found the other day. I was reading an article about the "Lamest Blogs on the Web." And, truly, most of these blogs were incredibly lame. A Paris Hilton fan site? Kim Kardashian's personal blog? Photos of celebrity hairstyles? Totally lame. But one was different. Interesting, quirky, and definitely not lame. So either the author of the piece has no sense of humor, or they really love this blog and just wanted a way to plug it to a larger audience. Either way, you should check it out. If you love me (and I know you do!) you'll like this one too.
And have a good weekend, wonderful little minions. I will talk to you again soon!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sick TV

Ahh, my minions. I know, you have missed me terribly. I'm so sorry to have left you alone for so long, weeping and wailing and gnashing your teeth over the loss of me. I am here now! So don't cry anymore.

Or, well, I guess you can cry if you want to. Lots of people do, when I am talking to them. Usually, because I am saying evil things, like telling them exactly how stupid they are. I twist my lip just so, get an evil glint in my eyes, get the whole furrowed brow thing going...and people are sobbing at my feet, begging me not to hurt them.

Okay, I guess I am being a little bit overdramatic. Just a little bit. But some day, the mere mention of my name will be enough to make the masses tremble!

Anyways. Enough with the self-aggrandizement. Let's get down to business.

So, the reason I am able to post right at all is that I am home today, sick with a cold. I know, you thought that I, in my evilness, would be immune from such common things as viruses, but even evil goddesses get sick occasionally. I woke up this morning with a horrible pressure in my head and nose, which allowed me to have a marvelous revelation: I know what it feels like to be an Egyptian mummy! The Egyptians, when they mummified someone, pulled out many of their organs and put them in special jars, which were then sealed in the tomb with the person. But, for some reason, they saw no purpose in preserving the brain. Instead, a small hook was inserted up the dead person's nostril, breaking the bone between the nose and brain. Then the hook would be stirred around until the brain turned to liquid, at which point it would be drained out of the nose. Fun! And that's how I felt this morning, like someone was yanking my brain out of my head and into my sinus cavity. Gotta love colds!

So anyways, since I have been sick today, I have spent the whole day, until now, laying on the couch watching TV. I have one very important thing to say about that: I am eternally grateful that I have cable. If I had been forced to sit around watching the network crap like Good Morning America and General Hospital all day, I would have committed suicide by overdosing on my cold medicine.

Even with cable, there is not a lot of great TV on during the day. All the really good shows--Monk, Psych, Eureka, Burn Notice, In Plain Sight--are on vacation right now, and the other really good ones that are currently on the air--reruns of House and Seinfeld, Mythbusters, The Starter Wife--are not on during the day. So I had to settle for whatever I could stomach watching. And, during the past six hours, I learned several important things.

First off, there are a lot of demented/freaky/stupid/just plain annoying commercials. For instance, those Charmin commercials with the blue dancing cartoon bears. I'm sorry, but watching how well Charmin works on wiping bear asses does not convince me that I should buy it for my family. None of us are covered with blue fur, so the analogy really doesn't work. And watching the toilet paper get stuck to their butts is simply unappealing. I think I will stick with the generic brand that uses real humans in its advertisements and does not show pictures of anyone's ass.

Then there are those commercials for various beauty products, the ones that always show a "before and after" picture. Have you ever noticed how the people in the "before" picture are always gloomy-looking, as if they had just found out their mother had terminal cancer or something? And then in the "after" picture, they are always smiling away, like they just won the lottery! Though those smiles look demented to me. Not so much "look how pretty I am" as "I'm a total freak who just wasted $5 on chemicals to slather on my face and I'm probably going to get cancer!" Hmm. Maybe the smile is part of why they always look so much nicer in the "after" picture! So if you smile, you'll look nice naturally and you won't have to go out and buy overpriced crap to slather on your face! (Uh oh. I don't think I was supposed to figure that out! The powerful cosmetics industry is probably sending assassins to my door as we speak, and I will be found dead this evening, stabbed to death with mascara brushes.)

And now, with Christmas coming, there are two types of Christmas-themed commercials that really bug me. The first are those commercials where they sing a Christmas song, but replace the lyrics with words pertaining to whatever they are selling. Do I really need to hear "Deck the Halls" with words about how great your store/product is? No, I don't. The second kind of Christmas-themed commercial that really annoys me are the ones that suggest that practically anything can be given as a Christmas present. Now, I know there are lots of people out there who buy cars. But I have never in my life met anyone who bought someone else a car for Christmas. I mean, honestly. Who has $20,000 just laying around and decides to spend it on a car for another person? If I had an extra $20,000, you can be damn sure that I would not be spending it on anyone but me. I have also seen commercials suggesting that vacuum cleanings, electric toothbrushes, and electric razors would all make great gifts for that "special someone." I don't know about you, but if someone gave me a vacuum cleaner for Christmas, they would not be welcome in my house for a good long time after that. Also, they might very soon thereafter have to undergo experimental surgery to remove the vacuum cleaner hose from their right nostril.

The second thing I learned today is that I am an idiot. Well, not learned, exactly. I already knew that. But today reinforced it. See, here's the thing. I am deathly afraid of ghosts. I think they are cool, I think they are interesting and fascinating...and if I ever actually saw one, I would pee in my pants. And yet, today, sitting at home--alone, no less--I watched two shows about ghosts. I don't know why I do that. I know the shows will scare me. But I watch them anyways, all huddled on the couch with a blanket over my head, like that is going to save me from the absolute horror of looking around and seeing an actual ghost in my house.

Thirdly, I learned about how best to commit a murder. The shows I watched--aside from the scary ghost shows--were all true crime type shows, about how the cops caught murderers and pinned the murders on them, all using forensic stuff. Basically, if you decide to kill someone, be sure you 1) don't tell anyone else about it (those snitches are a real pain in the ass) and 2) don't leave any DNA behind. One of the guys got caught because he had used his teeth to rip the duct tape he put over the victim's mouth, so he left saliva on the tape, which the detectives were able to lift DNA from. Very cool. So when I start murdering people, I will be sure to wear gloves and a hairnet and not to lick anything.

So, those are the lessons I gleaned today from watching cable TV for six hours straight. And people have the nerve to say that TV is not educational! Ha! What fools you mortals be!

Man, I am getting delirious. It's the lack of brains, I think. I need another shot of Nyquil. And so, minions, I will leave you for now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Agony of Stupidity

So perhaps some of you little minions have decided to watch the Olympics. Perhaps you are fools. Because, honestly, the Olympics rank right up there, for entertainment value, with do-it-yourself liposuction. (Actually, though I do not think it would be fun to perform do-it-yourself liposuction, it could be very amusing to watch. That could be the newest reality show! I Suck...My Own Fat! And sometimes they would make mistakes like accidentally sucking out their kidneys and die. Imagine the ratings!)

But anyways, as you have no doubt guessed, I have a very low opinion of the Olympics. It's not just the Olympics, though, it's all sports. I think sports are very stupid. I have no problem with people playing them for fun, or for exercise, or (primarily in bowling leagues) as an excuse to get drunk in the guise of doing something productive. But high school and college sports? Utterly ridiculous. People are there to learn, not to run around playing games.

And professional sports are even dumber. Why do athletes get paid multi-millons of dollars to run around with little balls (and yes, that double entendre was intended) while important people, like teachers, are lucky to scrape by? It's all very wrong and backwards and an indication of how stupid our priorities are. Why do we care so much about these stupid little games? Why are the people who play them worshipped, called heroes? Ooh, you can throw a ball really fast! That makes you a very good, heroic person who deserves the adulation of millions! Idiotic.

So when people start making big deals out of sports, I think it is very stupid. And the Olympics are just the epitome of stupidity. I mean, really. Let's say there was some sort of international reading competition. Would millions of people fly halfway around the world to watch it, and billions more watch it on TV? Of course not. Everyone would think it was very lame. But if it involves running or swimming or throwing, well then, that makes it okay!

And don't get me started on the so-called "sports" that they show there. Competitive badminton? Curling? Shooting? Someone please explain to me how shooting is a sport. You point the gun and pull the trigger. It's just like playing Duckhunt on your original Nintendo. So if shooting is a sport, then Duckhunt should be too. Arguably, Duckhunt would be more of an actual sport, because I bet when you shoot in the Olympics, you don't have some evil little dog snickering at you when you miss. And then you can't even shoot that little bastard dog. I always wanted to shoot him.

But anyways, this is why I have always thought of sports as stupid. Yes, people should exercise and have fun, and that's great. But when people's entire lives revolve around playing--or worse, watching someone play--a game...someone needs some serious professional help. Fantasy football, children named after sports teams, riots over soccer matches...can you people not see the insanity?

This is why, when I take over the world, all sports will be banned on the professional level. Sure, you can be an athlete, but you will also have to have a real, productive job that makes you an actual productive member of society, as opposed to a leech, which is what professional athletes are. The only authorized sport will be Ninja Warrior. (And if you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out on G4 network...waaaaaay better than the Olympics.)

So those are my thoughts on the Olympics. Please feel free to watch them if you must. But just remember, if you do, you're stupid.

Oh, and a little postscript about our last guest post. A person who shall remain nameless has requested that I make it very clear that it was not him picking his nose and eating the boogers, and he doesn't want you to think so just because he has an iPod like the booger eater. Just because one booger eater has an iPod doesn't mean all iPod users are booger eaters! Just FYI!

Friday, August 8, 2008

And The Winner Is...

.Well! I must say, I am very offended! Whichever one of you minions won my contest didn't bother to post a reply, thereby leaving all of us in suspense as we waited for someone, anyone, to come forward and claim the ultimate prize of writing wonderful things about me! And so, since the winner did not reply, I have appointed a winner. So, today we will read a guest post by Pure Poison:

Mysterious #111...this person who will remain nameless and therefore pretty much anonymous failed to enter in their praise and glory of our fearless yet evil future priestess of world-domination. Therefore, with bruised and battered shoulders, I shall carry the burden alone of submitting my own rambling and incohesive rant.

Now this opens the door to endless possibilities, but let's stay on the subject of creepy men, since we've all encountered one from time to time, or in some cases on a daily basis. Now you expect this to come from your toddler...toddlers, as most of us had experiences, have little to no problem in sticking the unknown into their mouths from time to time. We've all caught them exploring for those golden nostril nuggets and, to our disgust, proceeding to taste-test this gooey,sticky substance.

Fast forward to present're sitting in your cube, eyes dropping and head beginning to nod down, then back up. As you wipe the sleepiness from your eyes, you look at your surroundings and catch a glimpse of the creepy dude in the cube next to yours. You notice that the hip of his finger had become lodges in his nose. You begin to his brain leaking out? Does he get better reception from his iPod this way? But before you have a chance to look away, he removes his finger and proceeds to dine on the new-found delicacy on his fingertip.

You try to suppress the gagging noises coming from your throat as you race down the hallway. The moment becomes surreal and you begin to question your own sanity. Now, you knew the creepy dude in the next cube was a little odd, but you tried to ignore his peculiarities. But this is just too much. Certainly your boss wouldn't expect you to work under these conditions. Creepy dudes should be locked behind closed doors where no one can see them. Or at least behind 2 foot thick glass so that those who desire can observe from afar. Coincidentally, there is an office that resembles a glass-enclosed monkey cage. You pity those poor souls that have to work in there. You feel like throwing peanuts as you walk by. They look so defeated in that little room.

As you continue to walk around, you soon realize that you can't walk the hallways forever. You know your boss will not be sympathetic to your plight. So, reluctantly, with eyes averted, you trudge back to your own cube, realizing that you have to spend the rest of your days next to the booger-eater. Gross!

Wonderful post, Pure Poison! (and I won't even point out that the initials for "pure poison" are "PP." Like...pee pee! Ha! Yes, I am being juvenile. Who gives a shit?) So now, minions, do you see what you missed out on? The opportunity to tell the whole world about the things that you hate, the things that bug the crap out of you, the people you long to kill? But Pure Poison took advantage of it, in true Temple of Boredom fashion! And so, today (and today only) you must worship her as you would worship me! All hail Pure Poison!

Okay, now shut up, Pure Poison. This is my little world, after all.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Longwinded Rambling

Hello, all of my loyal minions! I am so sorry that I have been neglecting you lately. I know, I know, you have been crying into your oatmeal without me, but I am here now, so rejoice! And, by the way, you should really think about not eating oatmeal anymore, because it is disgusting.

So anyways, I know I have mentioned my computer access problems before, what with my husband who is surgically attached to the computer. But today, I managed to get on the computer, because I sent him to the store. (With instructions to buy pads. I think that is one of the perks of being a woman, is sending your husband/boyfriend to the store and telling him to buy pads/tampons. It's so much fun embarrassing them like that!)

Today, I have several things that I want to tell you about, but first, I am announcing a Temple of Boredom contest! (Insert loud cheering, falling confetti, and fireworks here.) If you happen to go all the way to the bottom of the page, you will notice that there is a page hit counter there (under the cute picture of the evil kitty). Now, it took me a while to install that counter (I am not the most computer savvy individual, though I do know how to look up porn online) but since it was put on the page, I have had 106 hits (as of 6:09 p.m. today). So, this is our contest. Whichever one of you little minions is hit number 111 (because one and one and one is three) will win the grand prize of...making a guest post to the Temple of Boredom! So, if you are #111, add a comment below this post, and you will get to post about anything you want: how much you love being my minion, how much you wish you could be like me, how you are going to worship me after I take over the world...the possibilities are endless! So make sure you check the hit counter.

Now, on to today's amusing anecdote. It concerns a very scary, very weird, very annoying man that I have the misfortune of working with. It wouldn't be so bad, because he doesn't work in my department, but he works in IT, which means he is always coming downstairs and wandering around for hours, which gives him the perfect opportunity to stare down all the girls' shirts. Because, you've guessed it, he is a giant perv. One night, a friend and I had gone to the bar, and we were just hanging out, having a couple of quiet drinks, when Creepy Man pops out of nowhere and decides to sit at our table. Since we didn't want to appear rude, we let him. Then, he started buying drinks for my friend but not for me. How rude is that! I may be married and there is no way in hell I would sleep with him even if I wasn't, but he could still have bought me a drink! So after a while, we got sick of him, and told him that we were "going to the bathroom." Then we found another table and continued our nice night...until he hunted us down and sat with us again! Ugh. So we left after that. But not before he asked us to drive him home! I would have, if I could have thought of an excuse for strapping him into the carseat in the back seat and driving the car into the river.

So, as you can see, this guy is a creepy freaky pervish man, and I really hate talking to him. Every time he is waiting for the elevator, I get on the phone, just so I have an excuse not to talk to him. Because he scares me.

So anyways, the other day, I was standing across the street from work, waiting for the light to change so I could walk across. A bus passed in front of me, and I could see my reflection in the windows. And suddenly, I felt like I was in a horror movie. You know, in horror movies, how there is usually a part where the idiot hero/heroine looks in a mirror or window, and you see their reflection, but also the reflection of whatever evil person/creature/monster is chasing them? Well, that is exactly what happened. Right behind me, maybe 3 feet away, appeared...Creepy Man! I could hear the screeching violins from the Psycho shower scene playing in my head as soon as I saw him. It was terrible. I immediately started praying that the light would change, so that I could run across the street and not get stuck talking to him.

Today, I took the day off work, which was very nice. Got to sleep semi-late, went and bought babyshower supplies (because I am in charge of a babyshower at work tomorrow), and then I took my kid swimming. And guess what happened at the pool? Well, not techinically at the pool. More in the parking lot outside. I hit a parked car! Yay me! So I felt like a total dumbass. I left the person a note with my phone number, and thankfully the woman called me a little while ago and told me not to worry about it, because it was just a scratch, so that took a weight off of my mind. But still...I am an idiot! Stupid Grannymobile, not being able to be parked like a normal car. Maybe I should get one of those beeping warning things that beeps when you back up, and a big orange flag to wave.

Man, I am just rambling now. Sorry, minions. It's been a long day, what with swimming and hitting a parked car. I am going to sign off now. Especially because I have to go finish crocheting a baby blanket for that shower tomorrow. I am not done with it yet. Whoops! So anyways, remember to check the hit counter and leave your comments! And be glad that I have not decided to kill anyone today!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Route #6 Bus Goes Straight To Hell...20 Minutes Late

So, in an effort to help save the planet (and save my wallet) I have been taking the bus to and from work for the past week. At first, I was pretty scared--I haven't taken a bus since I was in middle school, and the people that you see waiting at bus stops are usually pretty creepy--but a friend convinced me to give it a try. She said that the buses were clean, there were no creepy people on the commuter routers, and it would give me a good chance to read. Since I am firmly in favor of cleanliness and reading, and very much against creepiness, I decided to be adventurous and to do it.

And it's been going well! Sure, there are some creepy people, but not as many as you would expect, since I think all of the really creepy ones are still sleeping off their hangovers at 7:30 a.m. (There is one woman on the bus that I ride in the afternoon that is not so much creepy as just nasty. She's humongously fat, like a walking bowling ball, with tiny little feet, and either her pants are too tight, or her legs are just disgusting, because the tops of her pant legs look like she has tons and tons kleenex stuffed in them. I think someone should buy her a mumu. Maybe I will try to organize a bus Christmas gift exchange and get her one. She sat next to me yesterday, and I was afraid that I was going to get eaten by her blobbishness, and all anyone would ever find of me would be my shoes, left on the floor of the bus.)

So anyways, things have been going well on the bus. I've learned my route, I've found the closest stop to my house, I haven't been late to work yet...everything's been great! So I should have suspected that it was too good to last. And, if I had suspected that, today I would have been proved right.

Not that this is anything new, but I was in a terrible mood this morning to begin with. Amazing, isn't it? Because I am normally just a total ray of sunshine! But not this morning. This morning, there was a giant black cloud floating over my head, just like in a cartoon, complete with miniature rain and lightning storm. This was, naturally, because I didn't get enough sleep. The kid decided that 4 to 6 a.m. would be a great time to talk about her day, how weird her dreams are, about how she picked up a cockroach by accident...the sort of stuff that everyone wants to talk about from 4 to 6 instead of sleeping.

So anyways, I was sleepy and grumpy (and dopey) this morning, but I dragged myself out of bed, showered, brushed my teeth, all the normal stuff, and walked my tired ass down to the bus stop. I will now give you a minute-by-minute breakdown of what happened next:
  • 7:15--Arrive at bus stop. Lean back against pole holding big blue and red sign that says "The Bus Stops Here" and "Route #6" and wait.
  • 7:16-7:24--Continue to wait for bus, while watching how crazily people drive and being glad that I don't have to suffer road rage from driving with them.
  • 7:25--See #6 bus pull onto street and start heading towards me. Bus does not appear to be slowing, so I wave at it to get the driver's attention.
  • 7:26--Watch bus drive right past me without stopping.
  • 7:27--Stare helplessly after quickly disappearing bus.
  • 7:27-7:35--Race my ass down the street to the big bus station, where I know there is another bus that heads to the same general area that I want to go to.
  • 7:35-7:40--Stand outside of parked bus while bus driver wanders around the station.
  • 7:40-8:10 (and bear in mind that I am supposed to be to work at 8:00)--Take different bus in the general direction of my work, but by a much different route. Instead of driving through nice residential neighborhoods, with schools and houses all around, we went down Central, which is one of the nastiest, creepiest streets in the whole city. There were tons of creepy people on this bus.
  • 8:10-8:20--Take a second bus to my work, arriving 20 minutes late.

As you can see from the above chart, I did not have a good morning. And frankly, I am reconsidering my decision to ride the bus. Creepy people are one thing...creepy people and being late for was a bit much for me. But of course, I have to ride it home this afternoon. So when I see that bus driver, I think I am going to kill him by stuffing my bus pass down his throat. Or maybe I will wait until after I get off and then call the cops and report a drunken bus driver. Then at least he will have an excuse for not picking me up.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

How To Go Postal In 20 Minutes Or Less!

I finally have a referent for the phrase "going postal." And it came, unsurprisingly, courtesy of the US Postal Service.

I had ordered the first season of Burn Notice (which is, by the way, a great show. The new season starts July should check it out!) from Amazon a couple of weeks ago, and it was supposed to be delivered on June 23. So I was very excitedly tracking it online every day, to see how much closer it was. (It ended up sitting in Denver for nearly a week...stupid Denver.) And on June 23, I couldn't wait to get home and open my package!

Alas, it was not to be. I got home to an empty mailbox, an empty porch, no sign of the ever-cheerful Amazon box with its little smiley face. So I was disappointed, but I figured that it would definitely arrive the next day. And sure enough, the next day when I did the online tracking, it showed that my package had arrived in town the day before. However, it also showed that a "delivery attempt" had been made at 3:00 on June 23, but there was no one home. Which is total bullshit. My husband was home all day, and had anyone knocked, he would have heard it. So I knew right then that they were lying.

The website also said that since delivery had been "attempted," a little orange slip would have been left at my door, telling me when to expect a second delivery attempt. Which was also bullshit. So I decided to call the Post Office's Customer Service number, to find out what had become of my package.

I picked the number that specifically said it was for Tracking and Confirmation, since that seemed like the most logical place to start. I had my tracking number ready, called the number I had found...and got to talk to a computer.

It wasn't just one of those that gives you your menu options and you get to hit #1 for English, or whatever. No, this was one of those computers that pretends it's a person, the kind that says things like "What can I help you with today?" or "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that." Because of course you have to talk to it.

Now, I am not a big talker. Sure, I talk to my friends, or to people that I hope will give me money. But talking to strangers is not one of my favorite pastimes. Talking to computers that are pretending to be fully conscious human beings, when in fact they are even stupider than most of the people I am forced to see on a daily basis (and that's really saying something, because most of the people I see on a daily basis have the intelligence of bread. Really really stupid bread. In fact, listening to the people at my work causes my IQ to drop at least 3 points a day) does not make me happy at all.

So I was already not a happy camper, even though the phone call had just started. But it got worse. I followed the voice prompts, actually talking to the stupid computer since I had no other choice, and got to a place where I could enter my tracking number. I did so, and was told that "No information is available at this time." That, of course, just made my blood pressure rise even more. And I determined that the computer would unable to help me and I needed to talk to an actual human being. So I started hunting through the voice prompts for that option.

What an idiot I am! I should have known that it would not be that easy. Those computer phone systems are designed to carefully shield the human workers from the actual customers. So the stupid computer would ask me something, such as "Would you like to order postal products?" and I would say "Customer Service," or "Talk to a person," and that annoyingly cheerful voice (which is all the more annoying by its very inability to convey emotion. If I am annoyed, I want the person on the other end of the phone to be annoyed, too. But that stupid computer phone voice bitch just kept being perky.) kept saying "I'm sorry, that is not an option" or some stupid shit like that. Or I wouldn't say anything, but the idiot computer would mistake the sound of me breathing for an answer, so it would switch me into a different menu.

I spent 20 minutes trying to get around that evil phone system. 20 minutes!! 20 minutes of my life, stolen by the US Postal Service and their evil, incredibly stupid but oh-so-perky phone voice woman! I was ready to kill her by the time I got through to an actual human, ready to wrap the phone cord around her neck and just squeeeeeze very slowly, while she said, in that relentlessly cheerful voice, "I'm sorry, that is not an option at this time!" And then she would die, and lay lifeless on the floor, and I would stab her repeatedly with my letter opener, and I would feel so much better!

So eventually, it all worked out. Despite the phone voice woman's efforts, I was eventually able to get an actual human, who told me where I could pick up my package, and I did, and the DVDs are great, just like I knew they would be. So it's okay, it's fine, I no longer feel homicidal, which I'm sure makes everyone who knows me feel better. But my ordeal has caused me to have a new and greater understanding of how someone could go into a Post Office and kill everyone with a shot gun. Except, when I do it, I'm going to use a rocket launcher. And I'm going after the phone banks first.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Restful Saturday Morning

Yay! I found something new to be pissed off about! Lucky me!

So this is what happened: Since it's the weekend, I thought I would get to sleep in late yesterday. Not too late, of course, because of the kid, but later than normal. Heck, if I'm lucky (of I remember to drug the kid with Benadryl before she goes to bed) I can usually sleep until about 9:00, so I thought I could accomplish at least that much. How stupid of me! Because my next-door neighbor apparently decided that it would be a great day to have a work crew come put new cement in his freaking 7:30 in the fucking morning. Yes, that's right...7:30.

Needless to say, I was not pleased. I had the window in the bedroom open to catch the cool nighttime breezes, so as soon as a giant truck pulled up in front of my house and a bunch of men jumped out and started throwing tons of bricks and a bunch of metal onto the ground and yelling at each other in Spanish, I got woken up. I called the cops, but there apparently no law against doing construction at 7:30 in the morning in a residential neighborhood, or so I was told. So I just got to be miserable, until 9:00, when it was time to start getting ready for my daughter's ballet class.

Well, when it was time to leave, with only 20 minutes to drive across town and get to the class, we stepped find a cement mixing truck blocking our driveway. So the workmen had to move it. And when we came home, two hours later, it was to find another big truck, this one full of bricks, again blocking the driveway. This time, there were no workmen in sight, but the neighbor was out there, so I rolled down my window and asked her--nicely!--to please have the workers move the truck. And she told me no! That's right, she said no, that I could park in the street and the workers would be gone in a while! Can you believe the nerve of that bitch? First, I get woken up, my precious sleep disturbed by their noise, and then I can't even park in my own fucking driveway! So, yes, I was very pissed at that point. So I went inside to call the cops again, but my husband decided to go talk to them himself and got them to move the truck.

So I didn't get to have my neighbor arrested, unfortunately. But, as a result of this little issue, I am probably going to go outside tomorrow and find a potato in my tail pipe, or something like that. After all, how dare I disturb their cement pouring! But that's okay, because I have a plan. If those neighbors do anything to my stuff, I will go get the turtle that they keep in their back yard (which also makes a great deal of noise, a very strange noise, sort of like a tuba with a cold) and make it into a turtle soup and give it to them as a gift. Because you don't mess with my sleep.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quiet Time (So Please Shut The Hell Up!)

Ahh. Here I am, 9:00 on a Thursday night with nothing to do. I already watched the TV I wanted for tonight (My Boys, on TBS...great show). I could be watching Burn Notice (USA) but it's an episode that I've already seen. (Man, I do watch an awful lot of TV, don't I? Oh well. My brain is already rotted from listening to the conversations that the idiots at work have all day, so it can't do any more damage. And there are some great shows on cable!) Anyways, I wouldn't be able to hear it over the sound of my screaming child.

I'm sure that any peeping toms in the bushes outside right now think that someone is being killed in my house, when in fact it is just my child, crying over the fact that I made her go to bed without a second bedtime snack. This is the same child who was once eating boogers in Walmart. When I told her to stop it, she looked at me, all innocent with giant eyes, and said "But Mommy, I'm soooo hungry!" I'm surprised that none of the other customers called Child Protective Services on me, to report that my poor child had nothing to eat but boogers. (Or maybe not, considering the quality of Walmart's customers.) So maybe she needs to eat more. But that is not my fault...I told her to eat dinner! But she was more interested in being Snow White and dancing around in plastic high heels (the same ones that made her sprain her ankle--twice!--last year) and trying to make me kiss her Kermit the Frog doll. Kids are freaking weird.

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I really haven't had anything much to complain about lately. Of course, I have seen bad drivers, but it hasn't been as egregious as usual. Also, I think the people at work have finally gotten the hint that I hate them all. Only the die-hard annoying ones have tried to bug me lately, and I brought a set of earplugs to work the other day, so I really can't hear them now. It's a great feeling. Also, it's been kinda hard to post, on a purely physical level. I'm at Monkey Headquarters all day, where I am not allowed to blog, on pain of being spoken to sternly by my oh-so-scary boss, and at home, I almost never have access to a computer, because Mr. Loca is a bona fide computer game addict. I am quite convinced that if something bad happened right outside our door--say, like, World War 3, or a nuclear war--he would never even notice it, unless it disconnected our internet. He would notice that damn quick!

So I am pretty much computerless at home, unless I bribe him with sex or something. (Not that I live up to the bribe, but it usually works anyways. Guys are so dumb!) But tonight, I have computer access because Mr. Loca has Gone Out With The Guys, leaving me with the screaming brat and an otherwise-peaceful house. Ahh.

So when I was checking my email earlier, I had my usual word-of-the-day email. Today's word was a great one: Defenestrate. Guess what it means! No idea? Okay, fine, I will tell you. It means to throw someone or something out of a window! How great is that? English specifically has a word for throwing people out of windows! I am definitely going to have to try to work that word into my every day speech.

Of course, that might prove to be kind of hard because, honestly, how often do you actually get to say anything about someone being thrown out of a window? It's kind of hard to work into a conversation: "So, Mr. Jones was really bugging me today, and I just wanted to defenestrate him!" See...awkward. But I am going to work on it.

I might start with a few people at work. (Sorry, I just thought of someone who bugged me recently!) The other day, the monkey worker committee was selling juice, yogurt, and some other things that had been in their refrigerator for a while, for reduced prices. One of the idiots got a cup of yogurt for 50 cents and ate it, very happily. But when I happened to mention that the yogurt was expired by a few days, she suddenly went crazy. She was sick, she was nauseous, the yogurt had mold, it was bad, she was going to throw up, she wanted her 50 cents back so she could go buy potato chips to settle her stomach (because that makes perfect sense...potatoes fried in grease always make my upset stomach feel better!) blah blah blah. And she sits right next to me, so I had to listen to the whole story multiple times, along with all of her updates on how sick she felt. (This is the same woman who once rented I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry for her young sons to watch, and then complained that it was people! Not even real gay people, pretend gay people, but still, she didn't want her sons seeing that! Oh My God!) Finally, they gave her her damn 50 cents back, just to shut her up.

So I was thinking that I may take snacks in to work one day that are spoiled and let her eat one. Or better yet, make a cake, and after she's eaten a big old piece (which of course she will) tell her that I used expired milk and expired eggs to bake it. She would probably go into anaphylactic shock on the spot. It would be great! (And the expired yogurts? There was nothing wrong with them. I bought several and took them home to my kid and she ate them with no problem. Of course, she also eats boogers, so that maybe doesn't say anything...)

I will go now (it's after 10:00, past my bed time) but I want to leave you with this reminder: make sure you defenestrate someone today! Preferably an idiot. They deserve it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Short Cure for Momentary Boredom

Hello, minions! How are you today? Good, I hope. Unless you're one of the many, many people that have pissed me off lately, then I hope you have intestinal worms or something.

I just wanted to make a very short post today, on a couple of amusing things I've seen in the past couple of days. To begin with, have you ever watched Dirty Jobs? It's a great show on the Discovery Channel. The host goes around to different places and does dirty jobs, like collecting road kill, or helping a scientist determine what snakes are eating by making them throw up, or working at a pig farm. There have been many episodes revolving around farm animals, and these usually involve inseminating the animals. That poor man has inseminated (which also sometimes involves collecting the sperm, which, as you can imagine, is rather interesting) cows, horses, and turkeys, on episodes that I have watched. Last night was the turkey insemination. That was fun. The girl turkeys kept pooping on him.

Also yesterday, when I was driving to work, I saw a car pulled onto the shoulder, with its front left tire missing. There was a sort of burning smell in the air. A little ways on, there was a tire, rolling down the freeway at 65 miles an hour. Apparently, the tire fell off while the person was driving and, according to one of the laws of thermodynamics (I would look up which one, but I really don't care all that much) it kept rolling, because an object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force. Well, the outside force was the guard rail. The tire rolled across all four lanes of the freeway (and remember, there was other traffic on the road, which had to slow and swerve to avoid the rolling tire), bumped into the guard rail, kept rolling back across the freeway to bump into the other guard rail, and finally stopping, spinning like a dropped coin, to lay on the shoulder until the poor schmuck in the tire-less car came to get it. Sucks to be him!

I also wanted to point out a new feature of this wonderful blog. If you look all the way down at the bottom of the page, you will notice that I finally figured out how to install a hit counter! (I figured out to have my husband do it for me! Yay me!) So you have to open this page lots of times, so that my hit counter will show that lots and lots of people are reading my blog and my (already huge) ego can grow even more. Thanks!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Stupid Day!

So, was yesterday today National Stupid Day, and nobody bothered to tell me? Because that's what it seems like. I encountered scores of idiots yesterday. I swear, one of these days, the massive amount of stupidity that I have to deal with is going to drive me insane, and I am either going to have an aneurysm, or I am going to start killing people with a machete. I know which one I think would be more fun.

Seriously, though, people just love to drive me crazy. As always, my elevator-ific seat at work was a constant source of joy. This really really really (did I say really) annoying woman, who ALWAYS wants to talk to me, though I have made it clear many times that I am not the talkative type, decided that this time, since I had headphones on and obviously couldn't hear her (it apparently never occurs to people that I can hear them just fine, I just like to use the headphones as an excuse to ignore them), she would pound on my desk until I was forced to look at her. That's right! She pounded on my desk with her fist until I turned to look at her. And then said "Hi!" with a nice cheery smile, and walked away. I would have loved to follow her and strangle her with my headphone cord but, unfortunately, killing stupid people is still illegal in most states.

Then, I had this wonderful, enlightening experience. I had sent a file back to one of the other workers at my office, with a note asking her to correct a mistake she had made. The mistake was on parts 6, 7, and 8 so, on my note, I put to correct #6-#8. Now, as a normal human being (if, indeed, you are a normal human being) what does that mean to you? It means #6 through #8, yes? Not #6 and #8. But #6 and #8 is exactly what she fixed, totally ignoring #7. I am amazed that she is actually able to walk erect.

Then, of course, there were other, incidental annoyances. The supervisor from another department who asked me to do something for her while I was on my lunch break, and when I refused (pointing to the giant pink sign hanging from my monitor that says "BREAK"), gave me a look like a dead fish, all bulging eyes and O mouth. Or the mere sight of the anorexic woman. She looks like a starving 10 year old boy--no boobs, no butt, nothing but bones, a concave stomach, and weird spiky hair. (Personally, I think she should come as an Ethiopian for Halloween--all she would need is some flies to buzz around her eyes, and maybe one of those tall sticks.)

But, by far, the worst example of stupidity that I saw all day was driving home (big surprise, isn't it?) First, it took me a good 10 minutes to get on the freeway, because right past the on-ramp, a garbage truck had gotten into an accident with a pickup truck, and they were blocking off one of the lanes. Yes, you read that right. A big, blue, stinky, garbage truck. What the hell it was doing on the freeway at all is beyong me. I really think that large vehicle like that should be confined to regular streets, because when I'm blowing down the freeway at 75 mph, the last thing I want is to get stuck behind a slow, hulking thing like that. And then, once I managed to get off the freeway (without colliding with a garbage truck) I had this experience. Twice, within half a mile of each other. Both times, someone was trying to make a left-hand turn across traffic. They thought they had an opening, so they pulled out into the next lane, but then they realized that they didn't have time to make it. So then they just sat there, blocking the lane, forcing traffic to slow or swerve. Twice!!

And people wonder why I want a rocket launcher on my car!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Good or Bad?

Hello, all my little flying monkeys! So glad to see you again, I hope you are doing well! I have missed you so much since the last time we spoke!

Okay, enough of that crap.

Today, we are going to talk about things that should be good, but turn out not to be, for various reasons, illustrated by two examples from my own recent life.

The first example is ice cream. Now, I love ice cream. It is one of the best inventions ever, right behind hot showers, Coca-Cola, and vibrators. But the other day, I discovered how ice cream can be bad. The Dark Side of Ice Cream, if you will. This is what happened: There was an ice cream sale at work, so of course, I went to buy something. The ice cream was in a little electric-powered freezer. There were fudgesicles, which looked awfully appetizing, so I got one. Went back to my desk, unwrapped my fudgesicle, popped it in my mouth...and discovered that the freezer was apparently set too cold. Have you ever stuck your tongue on a freezing pole in winter, and it gets stuck, and you have to rip the skin (or whatever it is) off your tongue to get free? Well, that is exactly what it was like, only chocolate flavored. And it wasn't just my tongue, but my lips, too. Once I got free and began to actually eat my ice cream (after I let it melt a little, just to be sure we wouldn't have a repeat of the tongue-ripping) I began to see little red streaks against the brown of the chocolate. Yes, it was blood. A nice bloody, chocolate ice cream bar. Yum.

My second example of good things gone bad comes from this weekend. My husband and I actually had an overnight babysitter for our daughter, something that hasn't happened in more than a month, so we decided to take advantage of it by going to the movies. And, since the house would be kid-free, I figured we would have some adult-oriented extracurricular activities when we got home, so I decided to dress cute. Make up, jewelry, low-cut shirt, sparkly silver shoes, the works. So that was great, I looked hot, everything was fine...until I was standing in line at the concession stand at the theatre, trying to get some popcorn. I was next in line, behind an old man who told the popcorn worker that he wanted "new popcorn, and make sure you stuff it in good." That right there should have warned me. But there I stood, waiting patiently, watching the popcorn, when the old man turned to me, looked me up and down, and said, "Nice shoes." I turned to him, eyebrow raised, and said, "Thanks," and then turned away. A clear "Don't talk to me anymore" signal, if every I've heard of one. But he was not deterred. He moved so he could see my face again, looked down at my cleavage, and said "Nice shirt!" with a dirty-old-man smile on his face. Needless to say, I didn't thank him this time. I gave him a dirty look and proceeded to ignore him, my sexiness ruined.

So we see that even things we think of as good can be bad, under the right circumstances. The lessons I have learned from these two situations are, 1) let your ice cream melt a little before you stick it in your mouth, and 2) carry pepper spray to get rid of nasty old men that are looking down your shirt.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

That She Is Mad 'Tis True; 'Tis True, 'Tis Pity; And Pity 'Tis 'Tis True

Today, we are going to talk about a very troublesome issue that is plaguing the world today: discrimination. Discrimination is wrong. I know this because of the countless public service announcements I was forced to watch by the U.S. government while growing up.

See, I grew up as an Army brat, in Germany, and we didn't have real TV over there. Some kids were lucky and their parents sprang for satellite TV from England, but my parents were cheapskates, so the only TV I ever got to watch was the military channel, AFN (Armed Forces Network...get it?). In case you've never had the pleasure of being brainwashed by the government, let me tell you, that is some whacked shit. There was only the one channel, and they tried to appeal to everyone, so there was usually nothing good on, and when there was a good show, it was like two years behind what was being shown in the States. When I moved back here from Germany, I had no idea what was going on in my favorite shows, because I had lost several seasons, just by crossing the Atlantic. It was horrible. I missed the last two seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation! Damn you, AFN!

But that's not even the worst. AFN didn't show commercials. Now, when you've seen the fourth commercial in a row where those idiots are shouting about how great their cars are, or one of those "As Seen On TV" products that always look so cool but never seem to work as advertised, you may not think that is a bad thing. Let me assure you, it is. Because to replace the commercials, AFN showed public service announcements. All the time. And they weren't just any public service announcements, like the ones you might see here, about not smoking, or not drinking and driving, or using drugs. No, they had PSA's about everything, from how to not attract terrorist attention (get a license plate issued by your host country, instead of an American one) to what kind of flowers you should take your hostess if you are invited to dinner by a native of whatever country you are currently in (Definitely don't take roses in Turkey. That means you love her! Take daisies instead). PSA's that are still stuck in my head, 15 years later, some including full songs, include:
  • a jazz song about not smoking, sung by a woman in a slinky red dress, that goes "It makes your teeth turn yellow, it makes your lungs turn black! A pack-a-day habit only makes you cough and hack! Smoking...makes a fool out!"
  • how to ride a motorcycle double (by leaning with the driver, and taking extra time to stop!)
  • snippets of poetry by Edgar Allan Poe (don't ask me why)
  • the Military Code of Conduct and how if you are captured by the enemy, don't give anything but your name, rank, service number, and date of birth
  • a great many bits of American history, which were part of a series called "Shaping America." When each one of those started, a map of the U.S. made out of stone or something would appear on the screen, and a man's hand with a chisel would come and chip away a bit of the stone and there would be a sonorous donging sound, like the map was a giant bell

(And people wonder why I'm warped. Well, this explains it. And if you don't believe me, please do a search on YouTube for AFN commercials. You'll see.)

Well, many of these PSA's were also about things like sexual harassment, or racism. Which (if you still remember my original point) is how I learned that discrimination is wrong. I bring this up today because I often feel discriminated against, due to a medical condition.

The medical condition is called Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also known as mad cow diease. And no, I do not have mad cow disease. But because I used to live in Europe, I may have been exposed to it, and so I am not allowed to donate blood. Not that I really want to donate blood (I really like my blood inside my body, not dripping down a tube into a bag) but I kind of feel obligated to do so. But the one time I actually made it into the Bloodmobile, as soon as they took my history, they kicked me out. I didn't even get a juice and cookie! Those Red Cross bastards.

And so, ever since then, every time I see a Bloodmobile or a PSA (damn those PSA's!) about donating blood, I feel discrimated against. Why can't I be a hero in a red cape? I would make a good hero! I would fly around blowing bad guys up and flourishing my cape, and everyone would be happy. I think if I was going to develop mad cow, it would have happened already. (And yes, plenty of my friends would say that I am already a mad cow. They would also say that I am a crazy bitch, but that is not my point.)

So today I am depressed, due to my mad cow tendencies. If you happen to see me on the street, please come over and give me a smile, a hug, a friendly pat on the back. Just, please, whatever you do, don't give me roses. At least not in Turkey.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Problems Solved!

(I had planned to write this post yesterday, but just when I had opened up the page and started typing, my boss went walking around the division, telling everyone to make sure that we don't blog at work. Who knows why. But since I don't want to be fired from my monkey job, because then I might have to find real work, I decided to postpone it until tonight. So now I am sitting at home in my pjs, drunk. Just FYI.)

It occurs to me that I haven't outlined my positions for my world domination. So I am going to take this opportunity to do so. Just so you know what you are getting into if you decide to support me in my bid to take over the world (and what you're up against if you decide to join the misguided rebellion that is sure to spring up).

First off, stupidity is going to be illegal. There will be mandatory intelligence tests, and anyone who falls below a certain score (100 is a nice round number, but I think maybe it should be higher, just to weed stupidity from the gene pool. Maybe 110.) will be guilty. I haven't quite decided what should happen to intelligence criminals yet. It would be eminently satisfying to kill them, but it may be more useful simply to sterilize them and then force them to do jobs suited to their level of brainpower, such as trash collecting, cleaning, and being weatherpeople.

Second, in an effort to control the population and to prevent things like abused/abandoned/neglected children, there will be mandatory birth control. I'm thinking it will be injected into the water supply, so you really have no choice in the matter. Then, if someone wants to have a baby, they have to pass a test and get a license; then they can get the antidote to the birth control. That way, only people who want and can handle kids will have them, and everybody else can screw all they want without messing up some little kid's life.

All forms of violent crime will have just one punishment: death. So murderers, rapists, wife-beaters, armed robbers...all of them will be put to death. But we're not talking any old death, like lethal injection or the electric chair or anything. No, my vision calls for a shark tank. And the criminal will be sliced up with a small razor, to make him nice and bloody without killing him, and then he will be dropped into the shark tank. We could also use piranhas, lions, and various kinds of poisonous snakes. (I am envisioning a Christian vs. the Lion sort of thing.) And this will all be broadcast as the new reality television (sorry, but all the crap that's on now--American Idol, Big Brother, etc--will be outlawed).

But I really expect the crime rate to go down, because, as everyone knows, most criminals are men, and I really don't expect to keep a lot of them around when my takeover is complete. See, men are really just a pain in the ass, for the most part. So, a lot of them will die. (Again, the shark tanks might come in handy here.) Those that swear loyalty to my regime will be allowed to live, but there will be very limited job options for men in my glorious new world. They can do all the nasty, dirty, heavy work, like construction and farming, things like that, but they will also have the option of being maids, or cooks, or laundry people! The really lucky ones will be allowed to be sex slaves, to keep the women happy and provide children when it is time for that. But those are only the really smart, good looking, nice guys. Sorry, boys! But when I have a dolly (for lifting and carrying heavy things) and a vibrator (well, you know what that is for), you're really kinda obsolete.

Professional sports will be outlawed. You can play sports all you want in your community or school or whatever, for fun. But the second that people start getting paid multimillions of dollars for throwing/catching/hitting some stupid little ball, that is when my special earthquake generator will be deployed, and the entire sports stadium, complete with players and fans, will sink into a giant pit in the ground.

Rap, country, and Spanish "music" will all be outlawed, because they just suck. Also to be banned: as previously mentioned, reality TV, along with movies that have just enough plot to explain why people are shooting other people (the genre I refer to as "action porn"), talk radio, local news programs, sub woofers in cars, mullets, ESPN, and chili.

These are just a few of my thoughts regarding my eventual global domination. I'm sure I will have more another time, but this is a good primer. So if you agree with me, please let me know, so I can add you to the list of my loyal subjects. And if you don't agree with me...well, there will be plenty of room in the shark tank. If you don't mind the sharks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Miss Manners on Crack

In today's installment of "The Stupid Things People Do That Bug the Crap Out of Me" we're going to discuss two egregious breaches of etiquette that have been committed against me in the past few days: the Pop-In, and People asking Questions about Your Reproductive Status that are None of Their God Damn Business.

First, the Pop-In. If you are not a fan of Seinfeld (and if not, what is wrong with you? That is one of the best shows ever!) you may not have heard of it, but a Pop-In is when someone shows up at your house unannounced and uninvited. Like what my mother-in-law did on Friday night. Now, the m-i-l and I aren't on the best of terms as it is, but I put up with her crap because it gets me a free babysitter sometimes. But she is definitely not my favorite person. And this incident does nothing to endear her to me.

So Friday night, me and my kid are sitting around in our pj's, relaxing. She was playing, I was watching tv. Not just any tv, either, but the second part of the 2 part season finale of Monk, one of my favorite shows. Monk had faked his own death to beat a murder charge, and everyone was going crazy trying to figure out what was happening, and I was really into it...and then my phone rang. Now, thanks to the wonderful invention of caller i.d., I saw it was the m-i-l, and decided not to answer, knowing I could call her back later. I hit "ignore" and went back to my show, thinking that was the end of it. Ha! How stupid of me! Two minutes later, there's a knock on my front door...right in the middle of my show! And what to my wondering eyes should appear but that stupid woman! I was not amused, to put it mildly.

But I let her in, against my will, to see what she wanted. Big mistake. All she wanted was to give my daughter a Valentine's Day present, which had been sitting at her house for 2 weeks, so there's no reason she couldn't have waited until I answered the damn phone to bring it over. But she doesn't have the sense to see that. The woman is a psychologist, for god's sake. You would think she would understand human nature, such as the desire not to be disturbed by people pounding on your door without warning. And yet she has absolutely no common sense. So anyways, she came in and started wanting to chat, but I flatly ignored her until the commercial, at which point I started edging her towards the door. Totally ruined my Monk-watching experience. No wonder I can't stand her. When she's old, I'm going to make my husband put her in a nursing home.

Now, for the second item. This is another one of my "I really hate sitting by the elevator" stories, but I can't help it. I really do hate sitting by the elevator, because it gives all sorts of stupid people an excuse to say really stupid things to me! Like today, when a woman with whom I am just barely acquainted (enough to say hi when we pass in the hallway, but definitely not enough to stop to talk) came up to the elevator, hit the button, said hi and then just blurted out "So when are you going to have a baby?" Like it's any of her business! I'm sorry, but my reproductive plans are not waiting-for-the-elevator talk! Especially not with people I barely know. If we know each other well enough to discuss the details of our sex lives, then you can ask me questions about when I want to have another child. Just a rule of thumb for those of you who were wondering what the proper etiquette in that situation is.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

They're Real and They're Spectacular...but Please Don't Touch Them

Have I mentioned before how much I dislike the security guards at my work? They are so incredibly worthless. A bunch of old men and tiny women. Now, I am very proud of being a woman myself, and never think of myself as less than any male, but I understand that if some 250 pound man is rampaging, I am not going to be able to do a damn thing to stop it, especially without a weapon. But these tiny little women, 5 feet tall, are charged with protecting us. Ha! And a bunch of old, fat men, with beer bellies and bald spots. They make me feel oh so safe!

Except, of course, when they are being annoying. Like when they are demanding to see my cell phone, to make sure it doesn't have a camera on it. Oh my god, not a camera phone...eeek! Or, even though I have been working here for 7 freaking years, they still demand to see my badge, to verify that I am an employee and am allowed to walk through the employee entrance. Because I'm a shape-shifter and my face changes on a daily basis! Or when one very tall guard, instead of moving out of the way so that people could walk through, just held his arm up instead, and hadn't bathed for several weeks, or ever washed his uniform...that was disgusting. Literally made my eyes water from the stench.

Or this morning, when one of the guards touched my tit.

Of course, I suppose she probably didn't mean to. I had beeped, like I always do when I walk through the metal detector, and she was waving her little wand over me, trying to determine what sort of dangerous thing I had hidden in my bra (maybe it's the tiny, bra-mounted submachine gun that I carry for personal protection! Or my launchable steel-plated nipple knives, accurate up to 30 feet! Or maybe just an underwire) and her hand brushed my boob (on the inside slope, right above the nipple, in case you were wondering...pervert).

Man, I feel so violated.

I wonder if she wants my phone number.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Liars and Lunch

Man, weathermen (or would that be "weatherpeople"? Or I guess I could say "meteorologist," but that sounds like way too fancy a title for an idiot that stands in front of a green screen and waves his arms like a ninny.) are such liars. Even though it was 60 degrees yesterday afternoon, they promised us snow last night. But did they deliver? Of course not. There was not a drop of precipitation during the night. Bunch of damn lying bastards!

Not that it matters anyway, I guess. Even if it snowed, I would still have had to come to work. The Head Honcho of monkey-work central would demand it. Hell, we could have a raging blizzard, 2 feet of snow, and the HH would probably get a snow mobile and drive to every employee's house to pick them up, just to make sure they could get to work. And then we would be snowed in and end up having to eat our co-workers for sustenance. Thank goodness lots of them look like whales...they will provide a great deal of nutrition for the rest of us.

Speaking of the whales, there is a lunch sale going on in our breakroom right now, which is right next to where I sit. Aren't I lucky, getting to sit right next to the elevator and the breakroom, the most heavily trafficked walkway in the building, when I can't stand to talk to anybody? Ugh. Anyways. So there's a whole herd of people (lots of whom resemble whales, or at least hippos) walking around my desk, carrying their plates full of food back to their desks, gathering by the elevator and talking at the top of their voices. At least this food doesn't stink. Sometimes they have things like chopped onions in there, stuff that just makes my eyes water. Disgusting. Or it's also great when someone sets the toaster oven (which, of course, I also sit next to) on fire. Now that's a great smell!

Man, I'm glad it's finally Friday. I get to go home and hope that I will never have to leave my house again. That would be heavenly.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shut Up

I really despise small talk. My feeling is, if you don't have something important and substantial to say, then why are you opening your mouth? There isn't enough clean oxygen left to support the planet...we don't need you using it up with your stupid ramblings. And yet there are many situations where people seem to be uncomfortable if they can't think of something to say. And then there are people who just love to talk but don't really have anything to say that anyone wants to listen to.

There are a great many people at my work who have that problem. They always want to talk when they are waiting for the elevator, but they very rarely have anything to say that I find the least bit interesting. A "Hi" or "How are you?" would be fine. But instead, I have to listen to comments like: "Cheer up! You look grumpy!" or (on a Friday) "So it's finally Friday!" Like I don't know what day of the week it is.

But the absolute worst of the bunch are the people who ask questions to which the answers are glaringly obvious. For instance, if I have just cut and/or dyed my hair, I am treated to "Oh, did you cut/dye your hair?" Or when they look at pictures of my daughter and say "Wow, she's growing!" Like that's a shocker! What else do children do, shrink? Or another favorite "Wow, it's raining/snowing!" Because I can't see through glass well enough to see the weather myself.

Man, people are stupid.

Another thing that bugs me (and this has absolutely nothing to do with small talk, but it's been bugging me lately, so I have to add it to my rant) is women wearing stupid boots, especially with dresses. Now, boots are great, worn properly. But properly does not include wearing cowboy boots with sundresses, or high-waters with zip up ankle boots, or big black platform stripper boots to work. Get a grip, people! Go buy some nice boots with a small heel, and wear them with pants or a skirt that is actually long enough. Otherwise, you just look like a freak.

Sorry, I don't really have a lot of coherent thoughts right now. It's almost time to go home from work, and I can't concentrate on my monkey work anymore, so I am just typing and frowning at the screen so that I look busy. Because if I look busy, people are less likely to talk to me. Like George Costanza said, if you frown a lot, people think you are very busy, and that keeps people from talking to me. And anything that keeps people from talking to me (and I am not ruling out global nuclear war in this sentence) can only be a plus.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Driver's Ed Apparently Didn't Work

Pop quiz! Imagine the following scenario: You are in your car, on a small side road that meets a large main street on the diagonal. Right next to you, on both sides of the road, is a big red and white sign that says "YIELD." On the large street, in the lane that you will drive into when you hit the gas pedal, there is a car going around 50 mph. What do you do next? A) Stay where you are until the car has passed, like the yield sign says, and take the opportunity to pull out your cell phone and start texting? B) Pull into the street, but go wide so that you are not in the same lane as the moving car? Or C) Pull out, into the lane in front of the moving car, and then immediately hit your brake so that you can make a right hand turn, almost causing the car behind you (the one going 50 mph) to ram into you?

If you picked A or B, congratulations, you may be a decent driver. If you picked C, I'm sorry, but you are going to die as soon as I get my hands on an automatic rifle. I absolutely hate people who cannot drive. Every day, when I am on the road, I see some great display of stupidity that makes me fantasize about having a rocket launcher mounted on top of my car, so that I can blow these people up and spare the world from having to deal with them. And at my job, I see people's traffic tickets all the time; tickets for having 6 kids in the back of a sedan, all with no seat belt; for driving the wrong way on the freeway; for being so drunk that they crash into a parked car...twice! I actually see this stuff. And these people are actually allowed to walk around free, to use our precious natural resources, to reproduce? I am so killing them all when I take over the world.

In the meantime, here are some more indications that you deserve to die. Do you:
  • Change lanes without using your turn signal?
  • Speed in a dangerous manner, tailgating the people you can't pass until they are just so desperate to get away from you that they change lanes or swerve onto the shoulder?
  • Run red lights/stop signs/yield signs?
  • Listen to really loud, bad music, the kind that makes other people's hearts feel like they are going to explode in their chests?
  • Talk/text on your cell phone and not pay attention to driving?
  • Drive reeeeeeeeeally slow in the fast lane, making the other drivers insane with frustration, especially if they are unable to pass you?
  • Drive a semi truck?
  • Have one of those bumper stickers that says something like "Jesus loves me" and then drive like a total dick? If Jesus had ever driven, I'm sure he would have been a perfect driver, so if you want to live as a christian, you really should do better.
  • Weave your motorcycle between the cars on the road, as if you were invisibile, or invulnerable? That's one reason everybody hates motorcyclists, because they mostly drive like dicks. When I see one doing that, I am always tempted to open my car door, or just swerve a little and hit him.
  • Pass people on the shoulder of the freeway if there is no other way to get around them and they are not driving fast enough for you?

I'm sure more examples of bad drivers that should die will occur to me later, when I am driving home, getting cut off by scooters going 80 mph and being tailgated by giant semis that could just roll right over me if I hit the brakes. I just love driving!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Why do people insist on talking to me?

There is entirely too much human interaction in the world. If we lived in some Utopian society, where everyone was smart and pleasant and clean, that would be fine, but since we live in the real world, it's a major problem, at least for me, since I can't stand at least 90% of the people on this planet (and the other 10% can be on shaky ground sometimes). I am reminded of this every time I venture out of my house, and sometimes even when I don't, like when the Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking. The last time they came by, I answered the door in my nightgown (since it was only like 11 a.m., those bastards) and when they started in on their pitch about "freedom from fear" or some other such crap, I told them I was not interested in religion and slammed the door in their faces. (I have also used the "Sorry, I'm a satanist/witch/pagan" excuse on people intent on saving my soul. For some reason, those seem to work great. Guess they aren't that concerned about saving me from everlasting damnation.) Ahh, good times.

So I am seriously opposed to unnecessary interaction with strangers. And I really can't stand when people force their cheerfulness and/or loneliness on me by talking to me in public. This is a list of places where I do not want to be talked to:
  • At the store. The only acceptable stranger conversation at the store is a perfunctory "excuse me" as I try to move around some idiot who has the whole aisle blocked, or is letting their stupid kid roller skate in the store. I hate those damn kids with their damn roller shoes. I want to trip them. And I really hate people who try to talk to me in line. If I don't already know you, I don't want to talk to you.
  • In a public bathroom. Even friends and acquaintances should shut up there. I hate listening to someone talk while I am trying to pee. Talking while washing hands is okay, though.
  • On public transportation. I don't even take public transportation, but if I did, I would not want someone disturbing my ride with their inane natterings. Riding the bus would be miserable enough, without that.
  • Panhandlers. I know this is not quite the same category, but I hate panhandlers, especially the ones that approach you in dark parking lots, asking for spare change. I always feel like throwing rotten eggs at them.

There are also a lot of specific people that I don't like to be around, because they will inevitably talk to me. These include the man who sells hot dogs outside my work (he always wants to say hi, but he's creepy and I don't want to talk to him) the security guards inside my work (they are just annoying, and some of the men try to stare at my tits, so I don't really feel like saying good morning to them) and the greeters at Walmart. Honestly, why do I need some old man saying hi to me when I walk into a store? And this, this takes the cake. I sit right next to the elevator at work. So, all day, people are standing by my desk, waiting for the elevator. And what do most of them do (aside from pushing the elevator button multiple times, as if that will make it come any faster)? That's right...they talk to me! As if I wanted to listen to their stupid stories and random cortical firings! One old man (this is totally true, I swear) spent at least 5 minutes telling me about how in Hawaii, people are so into recycling aluminum, that they will steal the lamp posts to recycle them for money. Do I really need that? Especially when I am trying to finish my monkey work! I really need to put a sign up that says "Do not talk to bitch." Wonder if that would help. Probably not. I wish I could build a wall over my cubicle, so that I could not see the elevator. My life would be a whole lot more peaceful then. I cannot wait until I can kill a large percentage of the world population.