Only Captain Kirk Knows How I Feel

Friday, May 1, 2009

Think Before You Click

Ahh, my friends. You know I love you. I love to talk to you, I love to laugh with you, and I love to get emails from you. But, please, before you forward me any more emails, let's set a few ground rules.

Most importantly: I like funny. Funny is good. Not funny is not good. Do you understand where I am going with this? I like it when you send me jokes. Jokes are great! Everyone loves to laugh! But when you send me not-jokes, it makes me sad. Like, cry-and-wear-sackcloth-and-ashes sad. So keep that in mind before you hit the "Forward" button, okay?

Secondly: I am a registered Democrat. I have been a Democrat since I was old enough to understand what the parties stood for. You are not going to change my mind. So you can stop sending me emails about how Obama genetically engineered swine flu to kill off conservatives, or quotes by Rush "Idiot" Limbaugh, or pictures of soldiers with captions about how they are saving the country. And those emails that end with "Forward this unless you are a coward!" do not make me want to forward them. They make me want to delete them. They make me want to go back in time so I can have never even read them in the first place. On the other hand, I also do not want my inbox flooded with petitions for Democratic causes, or articles from The Nation. Basically, let's keep the email politics free. Unless it's a really funny joke. I am fully in favor of political jokes. Even about Democrats. I am an equal opportunity laugher.

On a somewhat related note (though I wish it weren't) I am also not interested in religious emails. I do not believe in angels (especially not ones that promise you money), and no amount of email is going to convince me otherwise. I do not pray, not even for the troops, or poor cancer stricken children, or little lost dogs. I do not read the Bible, and sending me quotes from it is not going to make me curious enough to pick it up. I've already done so. It was boring. Shakespeare is much more interesting. Also, Star Trek. I do not believe in the Judeo-Christian god. I am a Pastafarian who worships the Noodly Appendages of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. If you want to send me stuff about the FSM, that is fine. Just don't ask me to pray to him.

Also, though I love you very much, I don't want to read emails about how we are sisters or how you are sending me a rose, unless I fail to send the email back to you within 10 minutes, in which case you are never speaking to me again.

I do not want pictures of cute animals/cute babies/sunsets/flowers/wildlife, etc. Unless the picture is accompanied by a great funny caption (see I Can Has Cheezburger for examples of this.) I especially do not want those cutesy pictures if they are accompanied by Bibles verses, or sayings about god's love, or any of that stuff.

Do not send me warnings for scary things without first checking them with Snopes. Most likely, they are not true, and you could save everyone some time and worry if you check before you send. There is no point is passing on unfounded hysteria!

Please, please, please, please, before you send the email, delete all the excess junk from the top and bottom of it. I do not need to see the addresses of all 3000 people who were sent this email previously, along with their commentary on how "this is a great one!". I do not need to see all the ads and confidentiality notices at the bottom. Just delete all that junk and only send along the meat of the email.

Do not believe everything you read. Just because an email says that if you forward it to 10 people, you will get a million dollars, or a cute little animation will pop up, or some company will donate money to poor cancer stricken children, does not mean it is true. In fact, it is almost certainly not true. But who does it hurt? you might ask. Me, that's who. Too much junk in her inbox makes Panda Loca a dull boy.

In fact, too much anything in an inbox is not a good thing. So don't send ginormous attachments. They will probably just get deleted for clogging up my inbox.

So, in conclusion, here is a simple rule of thumb. Before you hit "Forward" think about your reaction to the email in question. If it made you say "aww, how cute!" or tear up, or want to pray, or get very worried, do not forward it. If, however, it made you laugh, or say "what the fuck is that?" please, send it along. Remember: funny is good, not-funny is bad. Jokes, funny pictures, hilarious videos...all great. Prayers, pictures of impossibly cute babies or animals, chain letters...not good at all.

And yes, I know, the tone of this post is a little angry, but please don't take that to heart. Unless you are one of the email abusers. Then, please remember that when I take over the world, I will be the one deciding your fate. I'm sure you don't want to piss me off, right? I didn't think so. So think before you click!

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