Only Captain Kirk Knows How I Feel

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

boredom and a new tattoo

so i really have nothing important to say tonight. i was watching tv, but hannah montana (which is a great tv show, by the way) is over now, and i am bored, so i thought i would check in with my little blog, see if it had anything interesting to say. it didn't, though. stupid blog, not being able to talk.
i had thought of a really clever post yesterday, but i didn't write it down; i got too caught up with beating the slaves that i keep in my backyard for not properly caring for my opium poppies. (this is a joke, of course. i don't grow poppies in my backyard. just marijuana. and crab grass.) and now, of course, i can't remember what it was. so i guess it's time for incoherent ramblings, instead.
i got a new tattoo over the weekend, behind my ear. the tattoo artist advised that, so as not to damage it with shampoo, i not wash my hair until the tattoo heals. that's just disgusting. i am obviously not following that advise, but it seems to be healing just fine anyway. this brings my total number of tattoos to six. and i love showing them off at work, because they shock the people that think i am a quiet, mousy person. i am quiet, but that's just because i hate everyone, so i have nothing to say to them. nothing that won't get me in trouble at work, anyway.
i couldn't sleep last night for the longest time. i made the double mistake of watching a show on discovery channel about ghosts (of which i am deathly afraid) and then reading an article about ted bundy on wikipedia before bedtime. so i was laying in bed, jumping at every little noise, convinced that a ghostly serial killer was going to appear before me at any moment, until after midnight. needless to say, i was not my best at work today. not that it mattered. i could go to work dead, and as long as i stayed in my chair all day (which would be really easy, if i were dead) no one would say anything. some of the people there are so stupid that i am amazed they can walk upright, yet they manage to keep their jobs. ahh, the beauty of being employed by the government!
i ordered some shirts off of (great site, you should check it out. but not with your mom, or anyone else who might be offended, in the room.) last week, and they arrived in the mail today. i got a wonderful shirt that i can't wait to wear, it says "why kill them with kindness when you can use an axe?" that is the kind of philosophy that i can really get behind.
and on that note, i will leave you, my little flying monkeys. i just noticed that mega disasters is coming on the history channel in a few minutes! yay! i just love to watch disasters. (and yes, my life is that boring that i have nothing better to do that watch tv. but on the bright side, at least i am not watching a shot at love with tila tequila, which is also on in a few minutes. or the 700 club. if i were interested in watching either of those, i would definitely have to slit my wrists.)

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